Friday, 3 June 2011

Birth of a Nation

First things fist, coming form gentration Y, it is a real effort to sit down and enjoy silent pictures. Yes they have music placed in it, and even sound fx, but the over acting and American history lession is boring to me. I know since there is no actual sound the actors had to convery there emotions broad, so they ausience can get a clear picture of what is going on. But the music even seems like it only has two scourse. the woman on the train tracks danger scourse and the yay i saved the woman on the train tracks scourse. In regards to the filming of it, you can see the steps the director is taking with this picture, particular of its time, and the new exciting leaps that are being done with the camera. It's a popular movie because of the directors work with the camera and the way its been cut together. Cutting form one story to another, and not following one character. Even having the story take place over a particualr set in time, really adds to the realisim of this peace.

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