Thursday, 31 March 2011

Assessment #1

Well, here I go. Assessment #1, lets hope I don't fugg it up. So here is 5 weeks of work in MPI104. Enjoy!


So starting the order of, my blogg. To date and including this one I have successfully posted 7 wounderful and brain filling posts. But here is my top two blogs that you must read. Sport!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and My First Post

When it comes to the look of my blog, I have gone with the ring, one could say a bull ring or even a colosseum. Its a place where people but everything they got out in the open, just like a blog is there to put everythign out there, colosseum does the same thing, just for the body. So figured be a good thing joining the two. I played around with the fonts and colours. I got the green in there just as contrast to everything else. I got the blues reds, yellows, whites and blacks. Pushing away from the serious blogs you see out there. Title more of a comic book title look, with the actual posts being more type writter font. Simple, but still interesting. I feel mine isnt a perfect blog, nor will it ever, but it leaves room for improvment. Excited to see the change from now up to graduation.
I'v tried to keep a simple lay out of my blog, just so it is easy to go through it. I placed white back ground behind the blogs so they are seen clearly and it helps the reader, while around that it is still white, but you can still see the colosseum.
SO far a I have made comments on a few blogs, such as MPI104. Here are two lovely posts by Katrina Churchill and Tom Winkley .
On the Blog to do list, there wasn't anything about tags, so I didn't do them, but I'm not much of a tagger, I'm not much of a computer guy. So probley didn't know how to do it. But then again lets see what I will be able to do in three years. I have put in my profile, making it very detailed. I'll be up-dating my blog bits and peaces as my skills grow.

Seconds on the menu. I have bookmarked 13 web pages. They are important, because I use them regualy. I kinda a couple groups of bookmarks. The comic section, the movie section, the sport section and the MPI104 section. All important to me and helpful.

So here are my top three Bookmarks from March 2011
DC Comics


Final course.

At this point in time I have uploaded 11 pictures.

So as the game goes here are my three favourite highlights.
Double Decker Bus

Well that was dinner, hope you enjoyed, and keep on living, drinking eating and all that other crap.

Lets hope I did this right.

Monday, 28 March 2011


I Don't know about you, but I like sport, I enjoy playing it and watching some of it. I'm not the greatest player in the world, but I am not the worst. So that in mind, I like it when the referee knows the rules of the sport they are in. Take Res sport (touch football). We won today in res sport, 3-2 but when the referee says it was 2-2 that tickets me of, because tries that where not tries where counted and tries that where tries where not counted, and rules changed. You can not say you dont know the rules or how to play a sport then referee, yes I know they are probley forced to referee, but why. say you dont know how to do it or have the teams help you. But don't start throwing your weight around when you don't know how to do something, just so it looks like you know what you doen.

Yes I sound like an ass. but come on, its like watching a movie which you can clearly see the actor not having a clue, tis about the right casting for the right job, or turning that no actor (soap opera stars) and turning them in to a trained actor. Whihc begins with the person asking for help. Which I will do a lot in this course.

Here is a link for all you referees and the hard work you all do.
Referee Hits

Sunday, 27 March 2011

forgot my Delicious name

hello class.

I have a problem, I can't sign-in on my Delicious account, because Im a dum ass and forgot what my sign on name is. so if Matt or the rest of you would know how I find out my sign on name, that would be great. cheers

Or give me some examples of your user names you guys used for Delicious.

Thursday, 24 March 2011


Also today we had our delicious page made up, no idea what a book mark is. but my god I shall learn, as Tim Coaldrake as my witness. I shall learn


Into days class we learned about flickr. It is different, I have never heard about this flickering thing until now. I realise it can be my photo page. So now I have a blog page facebook page email page and gmail page. I can tag my picture, which is the coolest ever.

SO with the theme of flickering. this is for all you out there.

Flick it

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

What its all about?

Welcome to my second blog of 2011. Im not much of a writer, or even a speller, so my bad if you can't understand half my bull shit.

Since we are required to produce two blogs a week, I figured, I would write one with my thouhts or opions or way of life, which I like to call the bull shit section. The other blog is going to be something like links to trailers, or thoughts on movies and just random crap I find on the net and figured people should see it. Most the time, Ill probley mix and match the two blogs. Not expecting anyone to read these bad boys, but if you someone does, I hope it enertains you.

So good night, good luck, and good riddance

My First Post!

Hey internet people. if you are reading this you are a blogger from MPI104. This is my first blog, with many to come.

For your entertainment, a cat in a fruit hat
